
Registry-based randomised clinical trials (R-RCT)

Registry-based randomised clinical trials (R-RCT) are defined as prospective randomised trials (studies) that to some extent use registries for their implementation. Further on “study” will be used as a broader definition than “trial” to cover all types of studies.

Support in implementing R-RCT

Clinical Studies Sweden has compiled information on the planning and implementation of registry-based randomised clinical trials (R-RCT) to facilitate the work with R-RCT. There is also information on R-RCT in the different stages of the research process and what to consider when conducting a clinical study.

Technical guidance for R-RCT

Together with leading experts in the field, Clinical Studies Sweden has developed a technical guide to support the planning and implementation of an R-RCT. The document is aimed at the responsible technical project manager/product owner.

Technical guidance for R-RCT (In Swedish) Pdf, 324 kB.

Summary of R-RCT

See examples of trials using R-RCT. Please contact us if you want to add a study to the list.
